image fusion
how to find a good mix for e.g. PET and MRI images ?
there are a ton of existing ideas already, the most obvious is averaging :
Mat fuse_avg(const Mat &im1, const Mat &im2) { Mat fusion; addWeighted(im1, 0.5, im2, 0.5, 0, fusion); return fusion; }
PCA fusing also looks good :
Mat fuse_pca(const Mat &im1, const Mat &im2) { Mat c1 = im1.reshape(1, * im1.channels()); Mat c2 = im2.reshape(1, * im1.channels()); Mat dat; hconcat(c1,c2,dat); dat.convertTo(dat,CV_32F); PCA pca(dat, noArray(), 0, 1); Mat_ev = pca.eigenvectors; Mat_ mu = pca.mean; Mat fusion; addWeighted(c1-mu(0,0), ev(0,0), c2-mu(0,1), ev(0,1), 0, fusion); return fusion.reshape(im1.channels(), im1.rows); }